Last week when I hosted Poetry Friday, I asked readers to write a line or two answering the question “What is Poetry?” To create this crowsourced poem, I printed out the lines and cut them up and played with the arrangement like a child with a new puzzle. It was fun. My writing group helped me fit in everyone’s contribution.

What is Poetry?
crowdsourced poem by Poetry Friday bloggers
A poem is a whisper of words
that opens a secret door
and invites you to walk through,
a song your heart sings.
Poetry is
our quickening
to the life-song pulsing in us
and through us, a leaf fluttering
in the breeze, waves crashing,
a glimpse into another soul.
Poetry balances our soul
and begs our action,
a pratfall or a lift,
beauty never before shown,
truth never before known.
Poetry is a whisper of life,
distilled essence,
an echo full of vibrancy and emotion,
fed by the waters of creativity.
Poetry is a sudoku of words infused
with energy, story, and song;
words arranged to nourish the soul,
truth at a slant put to music.
Poetry is a hidden treasure
voicing what is inside
and ready to soar outward,
a butterfly caught in my net,
then released.
Poetry is concentrated language,
our very best words
squeezed into tight spaces
creating an essential spark,
a kiss, a blessing,
the lake dancing with the sunrise…
And on
and on
and on!
Contributors include: Jan Annino, Michelle Kogan, Linda Mitchell, Molly Hogan, Mary Lee Hahn, Linda Kulp Trout, Little Willow, Fran Haley, Matt Forrest Esenwine, Carol Varsalona, Karen Edmisten, Alan J. Wright, Irene Latham, Catherine Flynn, Tim Gels, Janice Scully, Laura Purdie Salas, Ramona Behnke, Janet Fagel.